Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life Without a Picket

How about dissolving a well nurtured place in life to revive your passions anew?

How about living in a place where you have nothing to live for?

How about giving up everything that you had lived for?

Well the direction where my life is going I do not know, but it is certainly a direction I deserve.
How I wanted so badly the way to be having the best of everything but now it is very bland, insipid. Simple, I cannot live in this moribund life. There is more than the veil of my covered glance gilded by the silhouette of money and many fragrances of materialism.
But there are facades of living a life like this. To buy things at my own ease, to look the best with what I have, to learn more. Realizing still that money is still a major part of a human’s life. Had I not had it I wouldn’t have had been on this computer writing my heart’s insecurity. I know that I have to be thankful for everything that has made my ease possible. I know but it was something I never wanted. How I wish that education came easy without a cost in this world. And I would strive to give back to the world what I earned from it. I am no educator by any means and I cannot be a good one. They are but worth their part of wisdom and I will give them.

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